Sprague Lake Trail, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
The Sprague Lake trail is a pretty, ½ mile, generally flat trail around Sprague Lake. The surface is mostly compacted fine aggregate. There are benches and lake access along the trail for fishing, and a bridge over the lake outlet creek. The trail has low grade and cross slope. Near an overlook platform into the lake, the surface consists of loose, larger aggregate that makes for more difficult wheelchair rolling. When this writer was on the trail there was a wedding party at the lake outlet creek, there was an ongoing fishing contest, and there was a moose grazing in the lake near the parking lot. The lake trail also provides access to an “accessible” campsite a short distance from the trail. During tourist season, this popular trail can seem crowded. A nearby trail, Bear Lake Trail, also has parts that are considered wheelchair accessible near the parking lot, but not the whole trail because of steps and steep grades. This writer was there in late June and Bear Lake Trail still had blocking snow banks. How to get there: Sprague Lake Trail is accessed from Bear Lake Road in Rocky Mountain National Park. At the trailhead there are restrooms and a picnic area. The trail is at 8,690 feet in elevation. Be mindful that at high elevations, adaptive hiking may be more strenuous because of lower oxygen concentrations on the air. Also be aware that during summer months, thunderstorms with lightning are common in the Rockies. See the Fine Print |