Ever wondered what is behind the critters climbing on the fence along U.S. 95 near Valley View? Come along as we walk and roll up to three miles of trails looping through 180 acres of the Springs Preserve. You will see the old spring mounds where water constantly flowed out of the ground and into Las Vegas Creek.
Las Vegas Creek flowed towards what is now Cashman Field. The old spring mounds are where Las Vegas began and are the western edge of the original meadows. The spring supplied water to the townsite before the first wells were drilled. Remnants of the original wellheads and drilling derricks are still around. We will visit a recreated historical streetscape and buildings of what town was like in 1905. The Springs Preserve is located just south of U.S. 95 on South Valley View Blvd. The entrance driveway is on the east side of Valley View at the stop light for Meadows Lane. Drive east from Valley View, and park in covered parking. We will meet adjacent to the covered parking spaces near the main entrance to the Preserve and Springs Cafe. During the adaptive hike, we will gather along the trail for a picnic lunch. Check the Springs Preserve website for restrictions on bag size and ice (springspreserve.org/visitor-information/visitor-tips.html). Service animals are the only pets allowed by the Springs Preserve. The entrance fee for everyone who meets our group by 11 a.m. will be paid by Trail Access Project. Before we meet, you may want to grab coffee or a snack in the Springs Café which requires no entrance fee. After our adaptive hike, your paid entrance fee allows access to exhibits, attractions, the Nevada State Museum, and the botanical garden at the Preserve. Many trails are paved; others are compacted fine gravel. Trail grades are moderate but long. Download the free Springs Preserve app before you arrive if you want real-time navigation around the trails and what to see at selected locations. We need to give the Springs Preserve a very close estimate of the size of our group. Please let us know if you can attend by registering at: Register |